But Moses again pleaded, “Lord, please! Send anyone else.”
Last Sunday, at church something strucked me, it was an experience that came to me that I can't explain or put into writing how to describe...
It was a gloomy Sunday morning, was prepared to go to church, every time I go to church I always have this feeling that I should be perfect before the Lord, I guess that's just me and my melancholic nature. When really, if you go to church you must admit to yourself that you are weak and that you are helpless. It's only that you feel broken before the Lord that He can work in your life and if you allow Him to change you and mold you of who He wants you to be.
When Sunday School ended, was late then, my Pastor approached me and "appointed" me to lead the Offertory (offering) and without second thoughts, I gladly accepted it. Minutes passed she told me to also take the part in the Call to Worship! It's a part of our Sunday service wherein we invite people to pray to prepare our hearts to worship the Lord and to prepare us in singing praises. It was a daunting task! Personally, my conviction is, I really don't want to stand up in the pulpit "unprepared", both spiritually and mentally. I always see to it that everything should be in order and well-prepared.
I freaked out...I could feel it in my bones! And so I whispered a prayer, asking God to help me that He should do the Call to Worship and not me, to just make me an instrument for His people to be prepared. But before that, I really freaked out, was looking for Bible verses to remind people on each part that I would do, but then God reminded me to just be still.
Just like Moses' refusal, just like how he panicked when God chose him to do something for Him, he didn't believe he could do it...yes he really couldn't have, we could just do what we want to do if we ask for God's help...
John 15:5
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing."
As my boss would say that to know how to swim is to dive into the water. I wouldn't have learned anything if I weren't placed into a situation where I could learn. When the Sunday Service ended, I learned that I just had the greatest opportunity to serve...
WOW! how nice!!!...God bless u always..
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