I grew up in a poor family, my father's a salesman, while my mom is looking after us and be the "ulirang ina". Even though we never had the luxuries in life, we're happy. And I think what matters is that when you go home from a hard days work is that you have peace and you end the day smiling. And yes, it's not always like that, there's always that what you call "spices in life". My father loses his patience when he got lots of stuff up on his head and I must say, it often times destroys that peace but he's a good provider in the family.
Enough of the blahs, with what you just read, and if you're like me - trying to live a better life and building a future, then you may read down (source: Gary M. Stern):
- Learn from others who have succeeded. Of my past employments, I never had the chance to know the story behind the success of my bosses or even their failures. My source was books, lots of 'em. From the Leadership of Billy Graham thru a series of books on Leadership by John Maxwell. These guys made it to the peak of their careers and are living the happy and contented life.
- Adapt to each corporate culture. Know the corporate culture of your company, what makes your company is it base on relationships? For instance, if you are working for an advertising company or even sales, you need to build a good relationship over your clients to win their trust and in turn give you some sales.
- Start looking for the next job as soon as you're hired. Moving around too much from one company to another can be detrimental and staying in a job year after year may also cause stagnation.Keep your ears open for new opportunities as soon as you're hired. Keep in touch with executive recruiters, former colleagues, and attend conferences aiming to network. After two years on the job, tap these contacts to see which challenging jobs are out there that fit your skills.
- Seek advancement from within. If you don't like "company hopping" try to seek other opportunities that you may find yourself fit within your company. You may move from Software Development to Software Sales Department, take yourself to greater heights. Do not be stagnant.
- Consider taking a risk. Consider, at least, going for an interview and seeing what the new company has to offer. Don't cut off opportunities and only choose the status quo.
- Keep learning. Always be better than yesterday!
Reputation takes years to achieve but only a day to lose.So be careful. Be content of what you have, share it to others. And give your heart on whatever you do.
Everybody wants to be successful in life. I agree that you should never forget where you came from. In the future, where ever or what ever you achieve, do not forgot to thank the Lord and the people who were always there for you.
Never change your good attitude and still strive for the best.
I agree with you Himura, give credit to where credit is due...
Always have somebody to watch your back, to give you some knock on the head when you become arrogant and self-righteous.
Good for you that you're happy despite of the "spices in life". After all problems are problems. It doesn't make any difference if you dwell on it.;)
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