After a breakup, is there a time span when to start all over again?
How do you know that you won't mess up this time?
How do you know if she's "the one"?
Where do I start looking for her?
I had the urge of writing about this after watching the Sex and the City film. I thought that film was full of the sex and not much of the tissues. Yeah there were some awesome sex but really more on relationships.
Just to give you something of what the movie was for me, for me, it was more about these people facing another phase in their lives. From "labels" to real relationships. Living the New York life, some may say people come to New York looking for "real love" it's a melting pot of people who had broken relationships and trying to build it over again and find the real thing.
Yesterday after work, I went downtown, without really knowing where to go and what to do. Landed on the mall, saw some familiar faces from college, some married, some with their other half. And who am I with??! It strucked me that I was alone, being a born-again Christian as I am, I am well aware that I am not alone, but God did not make me to live alone...I know I have to look for...love, the love of a woman whom I can share my love, thoughts, time, and attention.
So how do you really know that you're ready for another relationship?
- Well, my thought is...I need to think of what went wrong with my past relationship yes it was long distance and most people say it would never last, but things happen differently for most people right? So I think it may or may not work...it just depends on how you both do your part in the relationship. So how do I know that I'm up for grabs and ready to meet another lady? "You can't give what you don't have", do I love my self more than any body else? because if i don't then how do I know how to love? I must love my self and get to know my self for me to be ready to share love to someone who's worthy of that love and would gladly accept it.
Is there a time span?
- I don't think there is, well they said it has three phases before you start all over again, you can start all over again if you're willing to, after you have forgiven yourself and admit that you failed, and that you have forgiven your "ex" for her lapses.
How do I know that I won't mess up this time?
- Again, YOU DON'T KNOW. You never will know, entering a relationship is like getting into something that's uncertain, all you know for sure is that you are in love and that you're vulnerable to fail at some point. You can't please every body as hard it is to please your self, you don't know when you'll mess up or when she does...but the question would be, how will you handle when she or you mess up during the relationship? How quick are you to judge? How quick are you to listen? How quick are you to forgive?
- If worse comes to worst, that's when one of you will say, "We need to talk..." that would be the scary part, better prepare...
I can't answer the rest, I dunno the answers...if you think you know, lemme know...
Time can tell. You'll be ready if one day you'll feel something strange(not lust) as you see that person.
Sorry if I missed out on this one a few days ago. Been busy I don't have time to hop on blogs.:)
Are you over your ex-girlfriend?? If yes, then in my opinion, you are more than ready for another relationship!
"How do you know if she's "the one"?"
Forget about "the one" or "Ms. Right"! Because there really is no such thing as those. Or at least it's not something that you can tell before getting in to a relationship. It takes a lot of hard work to make a relationship last. So that means, we don't find "the one", we make them.
And yeah you're right, getting into a relationship is sort of a risk. Have the balls to take it! *wink*
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